
Why bother trying anymore if it all ends up the same anyway

You stumbled upon a page that doesn't exist yet, has an error, or is just linked wrong.
You already know that though, so why do you even bother carrying on with these pointless media hunts?

("Did You Know?": ZXZlcnl0aW1lIGkgd2FrZSB1cCBmcm9tIG15IG5pZ2h0bHkgc2xlZXBpbmcsIHRpbWUgcmVzZXRzIGl0c2VsZiwgYW5kIGkgYW0gaW4gYSBuZXcgc2NlbmFyaW8uCgpjYW4gaXQganVzdCBmdWNraW5nIHN0b3AgYWxyZWFkeSBhbmQganVzdCBtYWtlIG1lIGJlIGluIGEgaGFwcHkgb25l)