Thank you for visiting my site.

Before any of you say anything or assume anything, this is not a bit or some sort of wacky creepypasta secret, or some other third thing. I genunely want to thank you all for taking the time to check out my site and/or checking out my content before moving along with your day. I've been an content creator for some time now. And I wanted to try something new for once in a while when I was making this site. When I was first getting ahead in my goal to become an artist, I always thought I would've been an nobody that everyone would just instantly forget in two weeks. But after all these years and difficulties that I've faced in life, I've grown and gotten a whole fanbase with me who likes my art and music. I've grown many new friends and I've gotten into many new interests. Living with Autism, ADHD, and Bipolar have been an large struggle in my life. It made some parts of my life much more harder to bare with when I was a kid, and it still does to this very day. Hell, I'm even surprised on how I am sitll alive to this very day with everything I've faced in life. But I haven't given up. I majorly want to give a big thanks to all my friends on here and my family, they've raised me well and they were always there for me when I was in my lowest. And they are still here with me, and I couldn't be more greatful. But one more person I have to give thanks to... is Luis. Despite your crude jokes and other things odd, I always liked your presence. Your art was amazing and your personality was goofy as hell but yet still tollerable, and I wish you were still here to see everything that has happened and everything that I gained all because of you being here. I hope you're doing alright up there in heaven. I'm sorry for all the difficulties you've faced. Cancer sucks, but I'll keep fighting for you. You've all shown me the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'll continue to keep being here. Like an familiar quote, all I can really do is...

"Keep moving forward."

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